On 27 Jan, Mr Subhash Talekar, President of Mumbai Dabbawala Associ. . .
The Joint Trust Meeting for RYs 2024-25 and 2025-26 were held on 25. . .
A Joint Board Meeting for RYs 2024-25 and 2025-26 was held on 25th . . .
On 13th January, Mr Anirudh Asher, Founder of Atomic Asher LLP addr. . .
On 11th January, 80 members, 44 partners and 1 guest went for the J. . .
On 28th December we had the Sixth Board Meeting for RY 2024-25 whic. . .
On 22nd December, 21 Members and Partner participated in the Bandra. . .
On 16th December the Club had its Annual General Meeting at the Ind. . .
On 9th December Mr Neil Parag Parikh, Chairman & CEO of PPFAS Mutua. . .
On 1st December, at 12 noon we organised Spouse Event for our Membe. . .
The Fifth Board Meeting for RY 2024-25 was held on 30th November at. . .
On 29th November, PE Rtn Apurva K Shah hosted the first Fireside Me. . .
On 25th November two of our gorgeous members Rtn Karishma Parekh an. . .
On Tuesday, 19th November Dr Nandita Shah, a Civil Engineer special. . .
On 26th October we had the Fourth Board Meeting which was attended . . .
On 19th October we had an excellent Diwali Party which includes Coc. . .
On 14th October, Mr Bharat Dabholkar addressed the Members on “Humo. . .
What a beautiful country. Azerbaijan is Beautiful & Picturesque wit. . .